The Power Of Reaching Out

It was in December 2017 when I realised that I had become a very sad person deep down within. One day I remember walking up to my mother and telling her ‘I feel I am falling into depression’, I was desperate to find answers to my misery. My relationship with my partner had hit rock bottom and he decided to walk away leaving me completely hopeless and miserable.

This was the time when my hidden anxiety struck back and tagged along with me on a daily basis. Constant anxiety attacks became my way of living accompanied by sleepless nights where I would cry for hours feeling helpless. Waking up each day and getting out of bed to get to work became a huge challenge.

At work, I could only put half-hearted efforts and felt no sense of joy. There is a saying’ Your environment is a reflection of yourself’. Here I was a lost soul with no sense of purpose and way forward in life. Being a migraine patient for years at this time, I was also diagnosed with Vertigo due to which I almost became bedridden.

To make things worse, in a span of a few days, my company lost its biggest clients and I was asked to leave. So here I was with – A failed relationship, bad health and jobless, with my life in complete shambles.

Experiencing extreme emotions, it was then my true journey began. The struggle was painful beyond words but I continued to press forward taking each day as it comes.

After locking myself indoor for months I finally mustered the courage to move out of my house. What helped me to pull out of this dark time was an immense support from my friends. I feel grateful for having them in my life and believing in me when I did not believe in myself. My friends became my pillars of strength and kept motivating me to look forward to a brighter future. There were days when I felt very low and one call from them used to cheer me up and this helped me to change my perspective towards life.

In this process, I not only overcame my fears and anxieties but also regained my lost confidence. I fondly remember a close friend encouraging me to start freelancing in my chosen field of work. After losing my job I was clueless about what I would do next but, her encouragement and confidence in me made me overcome my greatest fear of single-handedly managing work. I was not only able to go ahead with freelancing but also received appreciation for the work I had carried out. Towards the end of 2018, I realised I had found myself somewhere again and experienced limitless joy welling forth from within. Today with utmost conviction I can say that my friends are my greatest treasures who make me believe in goodness and keep my faith in humanity.

All I can say is that after undergoing many trials and hardships, I was truly born anew. With renewed determination I forged a strong self, opening new pathways in my personal and professional life. I believe when your determination changes, everything in your life begins to transform. I attracted the most lucrative offer on the work front. One that I had only dreamt of feeling a sense of true achievement. Today, I thank all the sufferings I underwent which made me transform into a person that I am today. And, most importantly I thank my friends who never left my side.

My major learning from this phase was that social support can do wonders in helping us cross storms of emotions which are otherwise too challenging to pass. So, it’s crucial to reach out and just share our heart out. Sometimes, that’s all that we need! To just empty the emotional baggage we’ve been carrying on our backs and walking all those miles.

In the end, all I remember is that I wasn’t alone because my friends decided to stand up by me. They let me scream, they let me cry and even begrudge. But, they didn’t let me give up!

Warrior Kamya Gupta


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Sharon Lee
Sharon Lee
4 years ago

Kamya I’m so proud and amazed at the person you have become. There is nothing stronger than a woman who has rebuilt herself. I love you always.